Connection issues in your relationship

  • Do you feel like you and your partner(s) aren’t spending quality time together? 

  • Are you and your partner or spouse having trust issues?

  • Has there been infidelity or another betrayal you are having a hard time dealing with?

  • Are your needs not getting met in your relationship? 

  • Does it feel like forever since you and your partner(s) had a meaningful conversation, or just enjoyed being together? 

  • Has it been too long since you felt physical or emotional affection from your partner(s)?

When we feel connected, we feel safe, seen, heard, and valued. Connection can look different for different people and at different times. Some may find physical touch with their partner(s) help them feel connected, some may feel connected when having deep conversations. Whatever it looks like, feeling connected to your partner(s) is a crucial part of a relationship. 

How can therapy help?

Sometimes we get busy or get comfortable in our relationships, and we lose track of making sure we are staying connected with our partner(s). Therapy can help you and your partners(s) figure out when you feel most connected to your partner(s) and how to make that happen. We help you discover that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time to rebuild that connection. In therapy, you can learn how to make time for each other and stay connected.