Before I tell you what the Radical Acceptance DBT skills IS, I want to tell you what it IS NOT.
Radical Acceptance is NOT…
Approval or agreement
Acceptance doesn’t mean we like what’s going on
Denying feelings of anger, frustration, or disappointment
Looking for (or forcing) a silver lining or positive attitude
What is Radical Acceptance IS….
A way to reduce unneccesary suffering
How we stop fighting reality, it means we don’t deny what’s really going on
Embracing our emotions, whatever they might be
DBT radical acceptance teaches us how to accept reality, even if it’s painful.
Why accept those painful emotions or those difficult situations?
Let me tell you what I tell my clients; what happens if you are sick with a cold or the flu, and you don’t accept that you’re unwell? What if you deny being sick and don’t let yourself rest or recover? You get even MORE sick and run down! Now what happens if you do accept that you are sick, even if you really don’t like that you’re sick? You can take care of yourself. You accept that you are sick and that you need to rest and let yourself heal.
When we practice radical acceptance, we are able to take care of what is happening, instead of fighting against it.
We can start by being mindful of our emotions and sensations.
Observe what you are fighting against or having a hard time accepting.
Once you know what you’re fighting against, keep noticing your emotions and sensations.
Remind yourself that denying reality doesn’t change it.
To learn more ways to practice radical acceptance, and lots of other helpful skills, join our DBT group! https://metanoiatherapy.com/lifeskills